I thought today's biggest accomplishment was going to be Adam's ability to see his own eyebrows. He has begun looking straight up while groaning and grunting. I thought he sounded like a character from Star Wars. Or like he was being possessed by demons, in which case, tomorrow's baptism can't get here soon enough.
In the midst of the carrying on, he also has learned to launch a mouthful of dinner at me with the same sound as a Nerf gun. Something like, "ploooofff," as the entire wad lands on me, on him, on the tray, wherever.
My boy has skills.
But as I was making dinner for the grown up residents in the house, I returned to the living room to find him like this:
Now, he wasn't like that when I left him. He had been lying on his activity mat. He finally has rolled over from his back to his tummy on his own.
Maybe he was inspired by the 10 month old girl he met at my Godson's open house. She is almost walking. He sat in the grass, immobile, smiling and cooing at her. She moved on to bigger game. She has her sights set on bipedal boys.
I guess he figured he'd better get on the stick about this crawling thing.
Bravo, Big Chief, Bravo!
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