Sunday, April 26, 2009


This has not been the best weekend. Aside from a great gathering with my college girlfriends on Saturday, I have been trying to recover from being awake and working almost 23 hours from Friday to Saturday. I haven't had enough sleep and that tends to make me more than a little cranky.

This afternoon, while wishing for a nap, HGTV was rolling in the background. A young couple in Scottsdale, Arizona was was overly distraught about which 250K house they wanted to buy. (I say the world really?? a lot in my head lately) Of course, everything ended well with them getting a great deal and a new set of living room furniture as a housewarming gift from the network. Good thing too, because with a $1750 house payment, they are going to need someone else to buy them things.

I wondered what they did to be able to afford such a house. We work so hard, but money still seems really tight all the time. We can afford our life, but there are no frills, no vacations, and no extras. And my dryer squeals a tune that implies imminent death.

So as I watched the young couple jumping into their new pool in the closing shot, I will admit I felt more than a pang of self pity. I'd rather stay positive though and thought, "What do I have, that they don't?"

I looked at Adam. I have him. He is my miracle.

I don't care about their stuff any more. They don't have what I have.

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